This page last updated: -6 Aug 2012
Tutbury Civic Society
Reg Charity: 501602
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Tutbury Civic Society
Tutbury Civic Society organises a multitude of events, trips and meetings in and around the village.
TCS publishes Tutbury Village News (bi-monthly) and also the Tutbury Guide on an annual basis.
You may also be interested to read about ESBC’s Conservation Area Appraisals
Village Notice Board
Courtesy of Tutbury Civic Society, our village has a smart new village notice board.
The previous notice board, which was refurbished in 1997, was originally erected after Tutbury was marked down in the Best Kept Village competition for having too many posters cluttering shop windows.
The old notice board has served us well and the new one is an asset to the village.
The new notice board is located opposite the Post Office, in the same spot as the old one.

Events for 2017 are as follows

Fri 21 April  17

Antiques Evening

Click on thumbnail to view poster

Antiques evening takes place on Friday 21 April, 7:00 PM for 7:30 PM. at Tutbury Village Hall, Monk Street, Tutbury  DE13 9NA

Admission is £8-50 which includes a ploughman’s supper.

Bring your portable treasured items (max 2 items per person).